About UsSpark Group Dedicated To It's Students & Staffs

lecture hall, central library, modern class rooms, best clinical practice at Own Multispecialty Hospital, etc. for students. With the own multispecialty Hospital, the College provides a great platform for its students to be well versed in the practical scenarios in real time basis. The Hospital also extends it expertise knowledge in molding the students to be competitive and compassionate Nurses in all most all specialized areas.
The college devotes its resources to maintain quality & competitive Nursing programs in an environment that focuses on clinical competence across all scopes of practice and help in developing technical skills required to foster a successful careers and a lifetime of continued professional learning in the field of global healthcare and research. The programs integrate holistic health care values with traditional health care values which enable students to follow professional etiquettes with compassionate behavior throughout their nursing career.
Our curriculum which is a mix of both pragmatic and conceptual ensures that by the end of the course each of our students become the next generation leaders in the world of health care, who takes up challenges as opportunities for improvement, show case positive attitude at work, and balance themselves in high demanding and pressurized work environment.

Spark's Mission


Prepare competent nursing personnel as a clinicians, educators, leaders and researchers that strengthen the health and well being of individual and society.

Spark's Vision


Create global leaders and competent nursing personnel through excellence in education, research and health care practices.


Our core management is leading Spark college of paramedical & nursing with their best efforts & always proactively participating in all development programs

Dr. Pragya Tripathi

MBBS, DGO (MLC - Shravasti/Bahraich)

Message from the Chairman
MBBS, DGO (MLC - Shravasti/Bahraich)

Revolutionary and dramatic changes in the health care settings created an extreme need for the competent health care workers. Professional nurses will need to balance clinical outcomes, functional outcomes, quality of care, patient satisfaction and financial outcomes in traditional and non-traditional settings for rendering quality patient care. We strongly believe that the nursing students are responsible and accountable for quality nursing practice thus they need to be appropriately trained, oriented and directly supervised by qualified and experienced faculty.

We are conscious about the changing needs of the society. Hence we shall emphasize on imparting education and training students beyond the prescribed syllabus to make good human beings and professionals also. To be in tune with the trends in health care dynamics, we Spark College of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing provide the right ambience to attain excellence in health care industry through appropriate infrastructural facilities, qualified and inspiring faculty, well established library, state of the art laboratories, teaching learning process and working system.

As a chairman of this institution I anticipate the full participation and cooperation of the students and parents to make it possible for us to transform their dreams to reality.

Dr. Abhilasha Verma


Message from the Director

It is my pleasure to congratulate you for enrolling yourself as a student in our institution, which is well known for the discipline, quality education and personality development. Our Students have excelled not only in academic activities but also have proved their spirit by taking part in circular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Spark College of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing is dedicated to providing the best nursing education possible in the region. We offer high-quality programmes with excellent clinical practice.
Our college allows the students to achieve their personal and long-term professional goals. We have knowledgeable and supportive faculty members who will assist the students as they start their journey in our college, all the way through graduation. The Institution serves students from diverse backgrounds, by providing them with the academic and personal attributes necessary to become ethical nursing professionals, life- long learners and contributing members of a global society. We look forward with great anticipation to continued growth in the years to come.
If Nursing is your goal, Spark College of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing can be the path to an amazing career.

Prof. V. Theenathayalan


Message from the Principal

Nursing profession is the noblest of all professions and in immense demand globally offering a highly rewarding career. The Spark College Of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing has a vision to “achieve synergistic union of knowledge, skills and technology , to be a globally responsive and social conscious institute committed to grooming highly skilled, innovative professionals by applying latest research evaluations, expert guiding force, hands on training and optimum usage of resources.”
Spark College of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing aims to train dedicated and expert nurses, capable of contributing towards the development of emerging health care system in public and private health care organizations, as well as community services.
Our B.Sc. Nursing degree course, GNM and ANM programme provides high achieving undergraduate students the opportunity to extend themselves intellectually and clinically there by rendering quality care to general public through our hospital and community services
Our significantly well infrastructured institution imparts high quality professional education to young and aspiring candidates, Who have dedicated themselves to be efficient nurses and also meet the acute shortage of qualified and skilled nursing manpower, our country is currently facing.
I welcome all the new students and wish them success through their academic journey in our college as successful nursing professional.

Prof. Muhasin

Vice Principal

Message from the Vice Principal

Nursing is an unique profession which has a blend of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. Spark College of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing has established an ample atmosphere for the overall development of each students. The nursing programme focus on equipping and channelize knowledge, attitude, skills and potentials of the students effectively and efficiently to provide quality health care.

We also focus on the holistic personality development of the students by not only concentrating on academics but also making them to involve in co-curricular and extra curricular activities. We are committed to inculcate strong moral and ethical values in our students

We have an eminent galaxy of teaching and non teaching faculties who are excellent in their respective streams and have the caliber to uphold the students to their fullest skills and potentials.

I welcome all the new students and wish them success through their academic journey in our college as successful nursing professional.